Emanating a sense of Equality

Shreya Thakur
2 min readAug 6, 2019

The story of our lives evolve. Some of us are privileged to witness a variety while others barely with a sense of time to feel the moments passing by. Not knowing and recognising the life passing by, many of our fellow human beings exist and live a life full of responsibilities, sometimes in utter turbulence. Haven’t most of us felt low and have been lucky enough to justify how a heavy day takes a toll and we need to take it slow, take a break and pause. Nourish ourselves and bounce back. But are we all equal? Do we all have those chances? While I write this I am secure, but when I think about those who might not even have a chance to sleep in peace I know, we aren’t all equal.

We fight vehemently for equality, equitable access to resources and opportunities while some of us also may be fighting for a daily scrape of food or water or shelter, just to survive as a human. The planet we were born into never had that equal for anybody. But it gives each of us an opportunity to choose, to create something so that we may offer what others lack. So that we may care for those who don’t have what they need to live a life where they can also pause, reflect and choose for somebody else.

The world seems unfair to most of us, and we define it and make peace with it as long as our own wheels are not derailed. We are thinking of those who have, what we don’t have and we compare and amass more to satisfy in ways what we can manage to afford. But if each one of us and takes a share of only what we actually need and offers everything else beyond, wouldn’t it be more beautiful and equal?

