Love: (Part 2 of Modern Indian Love)!

Shreya Thakur
3 min readOct 12, 2022

My life changed ever since I first published part, 2 years ago!

Why could I not write the next part, what blocked me from sharing my views and why part 1 feels like an immature view of a woman in a cocoon?

Precisely because my life changed more dramatically and the meaning of Love and Human Relationships have now altered for me against my previous beliefs, and definitely for the good.

When I wanted to write part 2 in 2020 and even in 2021, I was trying to explore what Religion(s) say about romantic love. In Hinduism, I was exposed to the erotica of Love or Sacrifice by mythical characters. The Bhagavad Gita talks about all virtues and values but Love, and no one teaches you how to love. I stumbled upon nothing until I read up about Islam. I may have not read the Torah and many other religious texts, neither the Puranas nor Vedas but I have fair exposure to the preachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.

I was born into a Hindu family,

I studied at a convent school

I studied philosophy through the lens of Buddhism and revisited the learnings from school at New Acropolis.

I have analyzed the preachings of Islam through the lens of the human condition!

Love above all is an act of forgiveness and acceptance. When you love your pet or your child, you follow that understanding of love, but its essence often gets lost in romantic relationships or even love for your beloved. There is no such thing as unconditional love, in our modern life. We give and we give, and then we stop when our needs are not fulfilled.

So what should we do about it?


You love and give, without expectations and move on. It is important to understand oneself and our own needs, above anyone or anything else. Often we put our partners on a pedestal and expect them to either fulfil our needs or put restrictions on them, in hopes that they continue to depend on or rely on us for all their needs, even when we ourselves are not truly fulfilled and content.

So I have come to realise, that between a conditioned relationship and free-spirited love, I will choose the latter. And encourage all modern fellow humans and Indians, to embrace their compassion, love and focus towards giving, acceptance and tolerance. Working towards a relationship is more important than reacting towards a relationship. Start by surrounding yourselves with good examples and cherish those who teach you and push you to know yourself better, and to give love better.

I am lucky to have met them in my life, and this was also an opportunity for me to go deeper and analyse my relationships with my parents and brother and especially the loving figure that my mother has been for our family. While all mothers love and sacrifice for their families and children, for a woman to remain content with what she has and draw strength even in situations when she had neither my father nor any other acquaintances around back in the days of no cellphones, it requires strength and grace.

I may continue to add my take on love and modern relationships in my coming posts, as I stumble upon anything significant to share about. As my profile is about soul searching, expect words that may make rethink, or share your thoughts on the topic!

